Simply tapping on Self-Assessment button from the Emergency COVID-19 Assistance menu, App's evaluation matrix diagnostic algorithm will prompt 4 questions, carefully answer to all the 4 questions that matches with your clinical conditions. User can jump to previous question's answer for review and modify for re-confirmation.
Self-Assessment Diagnostic Results Indicator:
Green - Safe ( No sign of COVID-19 symptoms)
Yellow - Mild ( Mild symptoms appeared which need further assessment by a medical professional )
Orange - Moderate ( Moderate symptoms appeared which need further assessment by a medical professional )
Red - Severe ( Severe symptoms appeared which need immediate medical attention)
Potential COVID-19 suspects in category Yellow and Orange are recommended to explore Emergency Contacts, a directory listed for acquiring further clinical evaluation by health care service providers specialized in COVID-19 Treatment.
Potential COVID -19 Patient in category Red will be asked for OTP Code verification that will be sent to user's mobile number during Self-Assessment Form registration. User will be then redirected to SOS user interface for sending the emergency distress signal by pressing and holding SOS button until the circular line complete the circle for sending SOS signal. A Geo-tagging based automated system will initiate an SOS distress signal to first-line responders team for urgent response to the SOS origin, the SOS beacon will flash on the map for next 24 hours. An user can send 1 SOS signal in 24 hours.
Tapping the button Report Non-COVID-19 Patient Hospitalization Complications from the Emergency COVID-19 Assistance menu, in the event of Hospital Authority's Non Co-operation for admitting the Non-COVID-19 patient, You can submit report about Non Covid-19 patient in need of emergency admission to hospital due to any other clinical conditions. You will be promt for OTP verification code during report submission. A verification code will be sent to the registered mobile number that has given during the Report Form Registration process. Our collaborative investigation team will review your submitted report for escalating the raised issue to the authority. You can file maximum 3 reports in 12 hours. Please read the agreement carefully before submitting the report.
Please submit "Report" in case, a Non-COVID-19 patient in need of emergency admission to the hospital due to other emergency clinical conditions than COVID-19 case. Describe your detail experience of the non-cooperation of a particular hospital. Please note, If anyone reports unnecessarily with an ill intention for creating panic/ damaging hospital impression, legal action could initiate against the individual submitting the report with misinformation or any false event.
Tapping on Emergency Contacts Icon, you will find Emergency Medical Heath Care Service Providers who are specialized in COVID-19 treatments.
Heat Map visually represents the density of the Infectious Zone. App's Geo-Tagging embedded algorithm exhibits the formation of cluster communities in the app's integrated heat map by color intensity for visualizing the overall insights of the entire country's epidemic condition.