CodeRED SOS is an Android smartphone based app, that has been developed with features such as diagnose and assessing the quantitative risk level of potential COVID-19 suspected patient to facilitate emergency medical assistance services. An individual with COVID-19 (Corona Virus) like symptoms, can take a quick diagnostic test based on his / her clinical conditions by a compact Q&A session. Paitent can seek help by exploring Emergency Contact directory list or be promted by app's integrated diagnostic algorithm to send emergency SOS distress signal in critical clinical condition. First Responder Team will assist the critical COVID-19 patient for hospitalization.
Report Non-COVID-19 Patient Hospitalization Complications through the app, in the event of Hospital Authority’s Non Co-operation for admitting the patient to hospital. Investigation team will review and verify your submitted report by contacting you for escalating the incident to authority to mitigate the irregularity. This will help prospective Non COVID-19 patients for avoiding the harassment for getting admitted to hospital promptly.
App's integrated Heat Map visually represents the quantitative density of overall nationwide Infectious Zone. App can detects cluster formation in particular zone by analyzing self-assessed user data and automatically marked the area as a contagious zone. In-Built Push Alert Notification for alerting user if contracted to any contagious zone while commuting.